Title: From Broke to Boss
Author: Alize Levy
Release Date: 29 Apr 2017
Have you had enough with working 40+ hours a week just to barely pay your mortgage, utility bills and supermarket shopping? Are you dreaming of jumping out of your unsatisfying salary and see your finances taking THAT upward trend that will guarantee lifelong financial independence? Are you OUT OF WORK and in urgent need of a steady, constant income? Are you COLLEGE STUDENT or PENSIONER wishing to boost your meagre budget with an impressive on-going income stream? If so, it’s time you took matters into your own hands! We Are Taking Your From Broke To Boss! In Simple, Efficient, Easy To Follow Steps! Working overtime has never made a diligent worker rich! Unemployment insecurity is not what you dreamt of! Consistent revenues that bring financial stability to spice up life with the confidence and flair of wealthy living take DRIVE and KNOW HOW, rather than the exhausting rat race most of us are struggling with. This motivational guide on how to make money THE CLEVER WAY is far more than a financial advice book: It is a ground-breaking book on success, a personal growth manual, aiming at inspiring the right MINDSET, your strongest weapon to skyrocket your finances and fulfil your potential in the modern business arena! Work Smart, Not Hard! Get precious insight on how to make the life-changing shift from ACTIVE to PASSIVE INCOME STREAMS, gain valuable free time, push away financial worries and start living the quality life you deserve! Let seasoned entrepreneur, acute appreneur and accomplished artist Alizé Levy introduce you to the secrets of generating robot-streams FOR LIFE, through INVESTMENT or STARTING YOUR BUSINESS from scratch and make loads of money from the comfort of your own home! Delve into the mysteries of generous passive income online, capitalize on the THOUSANDS of online revenue business and learn how to make your plan on TURNING YOUR BUSINESS INTO PASSIVE OPERATED to sit back and enjoy life to its fullest! Will These Passive Income Ideas Work For You? It depends! Are you determined to start mastering the income streams NOW? How soon do you wish to start enjoying LIMITLESS MONEY FLOW? Make up your mind, tune yourself into a SUCCESS MINDSET and embark on a tremendous money-making opportunity, getting From Broke to Boss~ Book Trailer ~
~ About the Author ~
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